Heart Thoughts
How will we allow
the Omnipresent to express love
through us, for us, and to us today?
Do you know what God sees in humanity?
God sees the potential for great beauty,
for when humans can drop back into our hearts
and live from a space of unified love and pure liberation of being,
the original blueprint before the distortions,
humans are a beautiful sight to be witnessed in Creation.
This is why God can never give up on humanity.
We are destined to be the unified light on Mother Earth,
to be the joyous vessels for angels to sing as matter.
The Universe is on the side of love and justice,
which in its true nature is merciful, wise,
loving, restorative, and rehabilitative.
Until the very last breath we take on earth,
we have agency.
We have the choice to think, feel,
and act in love.
This is the greatest power we have.
Choose to co-create an abundant world.
Call in the energy of abundance.
Call in a world that is abundant in divine guidance and blessings;
abundant in truth, wisdom, and peace;
abundant in diversity and creativity;
abundant in love and joy;
abundant in wellness and health;
abundant in nourishing relationships and sacred community;
and abundant in generous wealth and prosperity.
We do not heal the world by what we do,
but by being true to the wise, loving frequency of our Soul.
We all are the change destined for this world.
May we embrace our destiny with fearless hearts
and walk towards the gold that is awaiting our triumph.
New Life
Light is calling you forward towards a new life,
one of greater expansion, of higher service,
of greater freedom, love and abundance.
But the voices of fear are holding you back,
reminding you of all the times that you were hurt in the past.
But worry not. The love from your angels are mightier.
Trust in this pure divine song that calls you forth.
Cosmic Guardians of Light
Cosmic Guardians of Light,
please speak to us of wisdom.
“Beloved ones, love is the only truth.
It is only when you forget this that you find yourselves lost,
struggling, competing, and fighting in the darkness.
Come stand in the Light of your Soul
that always knows your unconditional worth.”
Sacred Healing
It is okay for the soul to ache,
for it is calling out for healing,
for more love and light
to nourish its growth that a world of fear cannot provide.
Divine Madness
Let your love run wild
in the sacred field of undying light.
Sacred Dance
Life is a sacred dance.
A sacred journey of the human soul
back into a cooperative dance with life,
where ancient rocks speak their silent wisdom,
majestic animals sing their unrestrained wildness,
where grandmother trees shelter their beloved relatives,
and childlike flowers swing their uninhibited heads.
How we have forgotten this as we dance the dance of struggle,
of competition, of spiritual abandonment instead.
The land spirits are calling to us.
The Earth Mother is guiding us back
to dance the healing dance of balance and of wellness.
When we decide to come back to our hearts,
to that silent unconditioned space of a higher, deeper resonance of love,
back to the shared heartbeat of life,
we see ourselves again as sacred parts of Creation
where every thing and every one is alive with Spirit.
Come back to this true priceless beauty,
where life is magical and divine
as it always was, always is, and will be.